Wednesday 21 March 2012

Pharisees V. Jesus

These Pharisees where a persistent lot here they go again, testing Jesus with there well studied questions
they thought they could get the better of Him. BUT how did he answer; have you lot not read, do you not
understand.I think they made up there own rules, skipped through the scriptures took out, what suited there
way of living, and even made up the rest. And seeing how GOOD Jesus was they did not like this at all.
Every time I've been study Matthew and not skipping though the verses. More and more lesson I am learning.
And reminding me how I also can be like the pharisees so full of my own understandings,even if I am not sure.

Dear Heavenly Father help me to read your word prayerfully and if I am not sure what the teaching is about, can
you humble me to ask my Paster to make things clear to me. So that can live by your word.


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