Tuesday 20 March 2012

God's way!

I know this was Friday’s reading but didn’t you love that wee story about Peter fishing for the coin to pay his and Jesus’ temple tax?

See God here!

He could have magically produced the coin for His Son…but He didn’t…He used natural means to supernatural ends. 

So He knows His Son will have need at just this time…and seeing all things: seeing someone on a boat losing a coin, watching a fish drawn to something shiny swallowing the coin, watching Peter bait his fishing rod, compelling that fish to swim to that side of the lake, to bite on that hook at just that moment…and so it goes on…our Lord using natural means to perform the supernatural…even in our own lives.

Glory, glory, glory to God in the Highest…who provides for His disciples…as they have need.

(So much more interesting and God-glorifying then taking out a loan!)



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