Wednesday 21 March 2012

Meek in Spirit

"Wouldn't it be better if...?". It is such a little, seemingly harmless, phrase. And yet it is the beginning of what the disciples were arguing about. Sometimes we have such pride in what we have done and what we can achieve that we begin to think we are better than others. Jesus reminds us that it is only when we give all that up, become like a child and depend on our God, see that we are only part of a much larger plan, that our true greatness will shine through. But he doesn't stop there he shows us how having true faith in God and humbling ourselves sets us apart. And warns us that if we don't then we run the risk of not following God and being like a false prophet, causing someone who is pure of heart to stumble.

God show me when I am proud and teach me to be humble. As only then will I be following your path.

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