Thursday 22 March 2012

We are the Kingdom - we can bring it to the world

Here we see the inclusiveness of Christ, no group is left out, no person is forbidden from coming to Him. Do we sometimes exclude others from Christ because it doesn't fit with our notion of what is important/ right? Or do we exclude other Kingdom residents because it doesn't suit us or we don't see the point of including them?

If we do then we need to be aware by rejecting Kingdom People we are actually rejecting the Kingdom. Because Jesus says in this passage that the kingdom of heaven IS this sort of people. Not that the Kingdom is made up of this sort of people but that THE PEOPLE ARE THE KINGDOM. I wonder if I sometimes forget this.

Jesus shows us here that if we want to be in the Kingdom then all we need to do is be in the right frame of mind, the Kingdom mind, and be with others with the same frame of mind, Kingdom people.

It is just another reminder of - where two or three are gathered in Jesus name then there He is also. Because if together we ARE the Kingdom, and that is where Jesus is, then He will be with us. And that can only lead to great things!

So God here my prayer for the church. This month as we meet with one another, help us to meet together in your Spirit with the right frame of mind, with no other agenda. Then we can bring your Kingdom to earth, just as you and we have fervently prayed for so many times in the Lord's Prayer.

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