Wednesday 29 February 2012

Head lines WHY

Why is it that some sinners repent and others don't. " Why do they" I mean we're all sinners.
Jesus hints that the answer is is in the eternal counsel of the Sovereign Father, even though he invites all to come to Him.
I mean here we see the Pharisee and the Scribes which are the Religious wise men total reject Jesus. All down the
ages we see wise and knowledgeable men reject the Gospel, it is difficult to under- stand yet the scriptures say
Not many wise not Noble.


  1. ps Lord there wil be a lot, I do not understand, but help me never to take may eyes of you amen


  2. Hey Kenny thank you for a lovely chat tonight. It was so encouraging to hear someone else really enjoy the Matthew experience and sharing it on the Blog. Don't stop trying to seek the truth.
