Friday 2 March 2012

God's Love Lingering on.

You came and made small talk with me,
You touched a cup, a chair,
you brought a book for me to read,
A merry joke to share,
You did not speak to me of God,
But after you had gone,
Within the firelight where you stood,

I read this in my Muriel's " Faith For Daily Living"booklet and it touch the old Heart string's, that we do not need
to all be Preacher's.But we need to be full of Jesus, His ways, his love, and compassion. So let us ask to be
Baptised in the Holy Spirit. And let Jesus take complete control of our lives' And get right behind or leaders,the
Deacons, or Pastors, Michael and Brain Daily prayers for them and there families.

Dear Heavenly Father through your son Jesus we thank you for the leadership we ask that you fill them with your
wisdom, May your Holy Spirit fall on them and that All of the Heavenly's protect there families, in Jesus name Amen

God bless Kenny

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