Thursday 1 March 2012

The Pharisee in me?

Compassion rules, OK!  I love You Lord.


Knowing the Pharisees sowing rules into the fabric of every day life so that they might not sin against You, knowing that, taking my hat off to their heart for holiness, I know my own heart like theirs so quickly navigates it’s way to spiritual pride.  It’s not my moral posturing that wins souls…it’s my compassion…and my thoughts quickly go to those same sex couples wanting to be married.


We celebrate the truth!  We have it for freedom – not for a stick.


Father, if I’m to follow Jesus, like His disciples here, as a companion, as a priest (wow how privileged), may I see people with Your eyes and love them with Your love though people crucify…and then faithfully, steadfastly speak to them Your truth.



1 comment:

  1. Brain you had me confused,and till I studied your prayer. Following Jesus
    as you say wow what a privileged. Full of his compassion, full of his love,
    grace and mercy, humbly speaking Gods words the truth.

    Father forgive me for being so full of myself help me to be full of you in Jesus's name amen.

