Monday 27 February 2012

Living for God

This chapter is so strong and gritty but important. Just as new wine does not mix with old wine skins so Jesus explains that if you are a true follower of His then what you do may not always be accepted. I think this is sometimes hard for us to understand. Why wouldn't goodness, truth and honesty not be met with praise and honour. But I suppose these traits do not mix well with the traits that are wrapped up with thinking about yourself and putting yourself first.

However, I need to be careful to remember the sermon on the mount. To not be hypocritical and make sure if I am being shunned it is for following God.

But mainly I love how this passage finishes. Just like Pastor Brian's sermon on Sunday. No matter, who you are, or what you do, if you do it for God then he is grateful. If you are a prophet, a godly man or even least in rank you are still important to God. Even if you are just doing a menial task (getting some water) for the least in rank, but you do it for God, in his spirit, as a disciple of Jesus, you will be thanked and rewarded by God.

Thank you God for focussing on when I get things right and sending Jesus so that you can look past when I get things wrong.


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