Friday 2 March 2012

Spiritual implications

We see through out of the Gospel of Matthew ,Jesus, in the midst of his ministry,continually being interrupted.
Sometimes by his disciples asking questions or by demon possessed people crying out.The Pharisees had ago to they where always apposing his ministry. And now his parents, I can imaging what I would say and do,"what now"
I would shout, can't you see I am speaking. Jesus uses this as a opportunity to teach his Disciples the spiritual truths,
That we as Christian ought to use every circumstance for spiritual reflection, and as a opportunity to bear witness to or Lord Jesus Christ


1 comment:

  1. Yes what a role model Jesus was. Even when his family (the people you sometimes depend on the most) were trying to stop Him from doing what God had asked Him to do, He didn't get angry. He just used it to carry on doing what God had asked Him to do, spread the truth about the Kingdom. So he told those around Him that when you are part of the Kingdom of God then they are your family. And with God as a dad, Jesus as a brother, and the Holy Spirit as your best friend that's a family you can be proud of and can trust will never let you down.
