Friday 2 March 2012

No-one is Greater!

On the face of it this passage looks hard. Why is Jesus ignoring his family? Is it just to make a point? At first you wonder where is His compassion. And yet when we read in Mark that his family, including his mother, were there to take Him away because they thought He was not in his right mind, it begins to make more sense.

Nobody is greater than God. No-one knows better - not even your own mother! It is just another case of the frailty of humanity. It doesn't mean that Mary wasn't a great woman. I mean how many of us would have her faith when as a young woman she was told she would give birth to the Son of God, the Messiah. But she was human. She was misguided. In her love and worry for her son she forgot who He was. Jesus may have made a point: if you want to be part of His family you need to remember who He is, and the authority He has - but it didn't change His love for his mum. Even while dying, being tortured on a cross, in all that pain He wanted to make sure His mother was looked after, cared for, when He left.

As with John, Paul and even ourselves, sometimes we can be misguided, even when we think we are doing right. Jesus doesn't stop loving us but He will put us straight. He is the King and He is in charge.


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