Monday 27 February 2012

Matthew 10

" Disciples"

From the verb manthano,"to learn"
Disciple is a learner one who follows both the teaching and the teacher. The word is used first of the twelve and
later of Christians generally. We most always be ready to learn more. When I became a tradesmen I could not
wait to go out and do jobs by my self, put into practice what I had been taught.And 44 years later I was still
learning.I think our Christian lives are like being Jesus apprentices. All ways Learning all ways following.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank paster Brain for his teaching,sermons and yes his chastising yesterday
Brain you where full of the Holy Spirit. "Thank you" your teaching is awesome,keep on teaching us keep on pointing
us to Jesus the Kingdom of Heaven. A very Blessed Kenny.

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