Saturday 3 March 2012



                               Are you prepared for that glorious day 
                                             When Jesus comes again?
                              We know not the hour, the day or the night,
                                 We don't know the where or the when.

                      Look once again to the life you've made,
                        make sure you've done what he taught;
                    By his death on the cross he forgave or sins
                   And his words were the truth that he brought

                     Will you be ready to reap your reward
                                And then God's heaven gain?
              Will you be ready to live with your Lord
                    When Jesus comes again?

                          " HEAVEN"
          O Lord, one day to see your glory,
      To stand before your throne,
         To know this will be for eternity ,
       When I reach the Father's home.
     And will you say, on that great day,
       As I stand, all sins forgiven,
      Well done, thou good and faithful soul,
        Now welcome into my Heaven.

                                ( from Faith for daily Living     Peggy  Smit)

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