Thursday 1 March 2012

You can t just spring clean you ve got to throw a party

What, I hear you ask, is she on about! Well, I really feel Jesus is saying it is no good just clearing out all the bad things, the dirt, in your life. You've got to fill up your house / soul with Jesus - truth, honesty, humility, goodness, love. If you don't then basically your house will just get more dirty again and probably worse than when it started. Repentance isn't just sweeping out the old, it is also bringing in the new. If you miss that vital step then you are not following Christ and that way lies ruin on so many levels.

This doesn't mean you have to struggle on regardless. Jesus is there to help, not to set us up to fail. Finding it hard, he says? Let me help. My yoke is easy my burden is light.

I believe traditionally if you were a cow/oxen and learning to plough you would have a training yoke. The cow that was learning would be hooked up with another more experienced one that would pull most of the weight and do the hard graft and keep the new one on the right path. I think this is what Jesus means. He says use me - I can be with you every step of the way, I can pull your load, I can do the work and keep you going in the right direction so that we do a useful job. But you still need to be there trying. If there are mistakes, don't worry, I can deal with them and make everything new and good but you've got to let me.

Jesus I ask you to come and live in my house. Fill me up with love for others. Come and work beside me, leading and teaching me, so that I can complete what you want me to do.


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