Thursday 8 March 2012

Amazing God

Hi Blogging at last (with the help from Kenny,s Mac..... Thank you Kenny)

I love the project! I love that we are all disciples together,digging into God,s word together. It brings a sense of
being trained up; discipled so we can disciple.

At the last prayer meeting Zephaniah 3;9 came up " then will I purify the lips of the peoples,that all of them may
call on the name of the lord and serve Him shoulder to shoulder" Amen lord! SO may it be among us!

So today, to Matthew 14. I'd never realised before that the feeding of the 5000 came so immediately out
of such tragedy and bereavement for Jesus; His cousin and forerunner beheaded. So He went to find a
quiet place (cue a diversion; may we be a people of the secret place.....cue a bible study on the secret place....
wow psalm 91 for a start) Back to Matthew 14... I was struck by how fully human as well as fully God Jesus was.
Our painful times make us feel so vulnerable, but also so much more in touch with others pain.And Jesus, in His
grief, seeing crowds of sick people He had compassion on them and healed them. Though fully God,could Jesus
be feeling more acutely at that moment the realities of human sufferings; the transient nature of live; the really
important issues of eternal life?And then isn't it just so human to go of our food when wonder Jesus
just kept on ministering without giving food a thought. So everyone got hungry. But somehow all along did He
also know He would do a miracle that demonstrated something of how His broken body would be enough to feed the
souls of the world,with loads left over? Wow, our amazing God.

God bless Love Muriel Forman

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