Saturday 10 March 2012

Ask and You Shall Receive

Jesus: She loves her daughter so much. I can feel her anguish and pain, I know what it is like to feel that you have lost a loved one. And she has lost her daughter to the devil. What will I say?

The woman: I can't believe I can actually see Him. I've been waiting so long. I will now actually be able to ask Him to help me at last. I will call him by his true title because He is of royal blood.

The Disciples: I can't believe this woman is coming to bother Him. But look He's doing what He said. He's not defiling himself by speaking to her. Well He is our rabbi, he's not meant to speak to Gentile women.

Jesus: How long before they learn! I suppose they don't realise they are going to be sharing the Kingdom with a lot more Gentile women when I am gone. That this will be their task. Well, I suppose I am their teacher so here's another lesson. But I must honour my heavenly father and the task He has given me.

The Woman: He says he is only here to help the Jews but I know who He is and what He can do. I won't be turned away that easily. I'll just keep asking.

Jesus: I'm not going to disown anyone, especially not God's Chosen people, I hope she understands.

The Woman: Yes, I realise you speak the truth, that Jesus the man, has a calling, but there is more. You are also the son of God. I know you can do all things. I know you have enough for the Jews and still have more power, compassion and love to spill over to everyone, even me.

Jesus: She understands, in her pain and suffering, she still has compassion for a people who look down on her, and she sees that if you ask with the right heart and the understanding of who I truly am then I am everyone's provider.

The Disciples: He said that she has faith and that her daughter is healed, even though she is a Gentile. We've got Him wrong again and held him to account by our own laws and ways. How humble was she to accept us as above her. I wouldn't have liked to have been likened to a dog. Perhaps we have more to learn than we first thought.


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