Thursday 8 March 2012

Peter may have got out the boat but Jesus got in!

Wouldn't it be great to have the confidence of Peter. To not care if people think you are a fool for being out there, getting out of the boat, being obedient to God and using your faith.

But what strikes me tonight is that Jesus in all His majesty didn't need to get into the boat. He could make His own travelling arrangements but He chose to get into the boat with His disciples.

And because Jesus was there with them, ALL were saved that night, but only Peter was blessed. He was given a time to remember and cherish. A special time with His creator where He did wondrous things, all because he got out of the boat.

God, don't let me stay sitting in the boat thinking that guy is a bit of a fool. Open my eyes to see that the foolish ones are the ones left behind in the boat because they are missing out.


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