Thursday 8 March 2012


Going up against THE authorities, the big wigs, must have flustered the disciples… don’t you know Jesus you offended them...THE PHARISEES! You quoted scripture against them, rebuked them, called them hypocrites! Challenged them and pointed out their sin …IN PUBLIC! Wow.  AND then you call us thick!


Father we live in a society that slaps you in the face with all its “political correctness” forgive us for being so THICK and for being so pathetically silent when we don’t speak up against the wrong. Teach us to be like you Lord that even if it means offending… we must say what the truth is, according to your word THE TRUTH!

It cost you… it WILL cost us. If God says something is sin … its sin…. period. Basically Jesus said if they teach something other than the truth,  they are going to be ripped up anyway…. Speak out the truth… challenge… rebuke…. We are to be light, salt… just like Jesus. You were fearless, give me courage Lord to be fearless because of the Truth.





1 comment:

  1. Hi Jess I love this peice of writing; I have never like this idea of being
    political correct. I like straight taking,speak to me what is on your heart.
    To be true to Jesus we have to speak through his word. Live by his word.
    Oh to be bold in the word of God,to speak of his great love for man kind.

    God bless Love Kenny
