Wednesday 7 March 2012

One of the Crowd

Can you imagine being there? 5000 men, never mind the women and children. All waiting to see Jesus and some waiting to be healed.

How easy would it have been for Jesus to say - not today! Too busy, or I'm on holiday, or it is my day off, or even I'm mourning the death of my cousin, or I'm grieving for one of the most celebrated men of our time! How many excuses or reasons did He have to just ignore the crowds? But He didn't. He had compassion for them and it moved Him to tirelessly work for these people. So much so He worked until it was late. Then what? Could He not then say - I've done my bit, I need a rest? No! He saw that the crowds still needed His help so He fed them. That was some church picnic!

How often do we have a good reason not to chip in or do our part. How often do we put our own needs in front of others. I know I'm always doing it. Don't I deserve a rest Lord I say, I've done my bit, or it's my day off. Jesus humbly shows us that the Kingdom's work is never done and if you want to see His Kingdom on earth then you need to be driven by compassion for other's needs and not for your own.

God knock me to my knees with your compassion for others, make it my soul desire to want to help.


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