Monday 5 March 2012

Treasures of the Kingdom for You to Share

There are so many little gems of information in this passage but the ones that stick out for me are:

Whether you are searching for the Kingdom of God or not, when you come upon it, you realise what it is and how precious it is. Then you will not stop until you get it. This is a lovely passage for those who know of people who haven't encountered the Kingdom yet. But also a word of warning to myself. If I am living my life but people are not seeing the Kingdom then I need to stop and look at what path I am on and whether I am wheat or a weed.

I also love Jesus words to the disciples. If you are true scribes and disciples of the Kingdom then you will give out treasures to others. This was a promise to the first disciples that echoes down to us. These men/boys were disciples of Jesus, and so the Kingdom. They were students of the Old Testament. When Jesus said this He knew where their lives would go. He knew they were going to build the early church and either write elements of or share stories that would become our New Testament. They didn't!

Who knows what gems we will give to others. But what we do know is this, if we are true disciples of the Kingdom and we study the bible, then we will have security (own our spiritual house) and there will be treasures to share. Just you wait and see.


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