Friday 9 March 2012

An Echo of the Soul

Beware what you say as it only echoes what you truly feel and if said enough times it can start to bind you and shape your beliefs and your heart!  This is what we talked of in our small group on Tuesday.  The power of the spoken word.  And yet really it is the power of your beliefs and your heart's desire that are just echoed in your words and your actions.

Take Herod, at any time if he had put God's desire above his own heart's desire then he would never have killed John the Baptist.  For God asks us in the ten commandments not to kill.  But rather his heart's desire was for power and status and he didn't want to lose face.  So with his words he issued the necessary orders.

Take the pharisees, at any time, they could have embraced Jesus and His words, but rather they wanted to be the ones in charge, they wanted to be the teachers.  And through their heart's desire they continually used words to snipe and argue with Jesus and belittle him and give them an excuse to kill Him.

It's not your eyes that are the windows to your soul but your lips.  So as the old Sunday School song says, 'Watch your lips, watch your lips what they say" as they are proclaiming what you feel and desire.  And it is an important responsibility!  For you could be leading those that look up to you and listen to you and follow you  into a ditch, if you don't!

God change my heart so that my words will change and those that listen to me will only hear words of truth, honesty and love.


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