Wednesday 7 March 2012

Eavesdropping on Jesus

Imagine being the last one on that mountainside and staying unnoticed to see what Jesus did after the disiples had got on the boat and all the crowds had disapeared down the road.
Did Jesus sigh a huge sigh of relief to at last be alone.. no one crowding around asking for this or that begging and touching , pressing and shoving for attention everyone with their needs each one trying to get something from Him... How many bowed before him just to worship or pray thanks or to bless him in Gods name because here He was... Messiah? 
What did Jesus do then... walk further up the hill to get a better view?or sit down exhausted, did he fall to his knees and pull his prayer shawl over his head as he immediatly turned to Father to spend time with Him? What did they talk about? was he worshipping God feeling the awe of a man used by God to do these miricles? Was he too pleading for the miricle of divine strength to continue to complete THE MISSION. Did he weep for the pain of those he saw who were so vulnerable, lost and fearful? Did he pray for each of his disiples by name bringing each one before Father knowing their deepest needs and for their Mission once he was gone and for their growing to understand things of the Spirit? Did he pray for the Pharisees and his enemies... did he see Judas already pulling away....
 Did He and Father have a laugh as they shared the funny stuff that happened and the plan to walk across the water in the storm and how it would really ruffle the guys more than the wind they were battling against.... how the time flew past ... those hours there on the hill with Father getting more instruction , more strength, more empowering to go the next step closer to that terrible but necessary costly sacrifice.
Did he get up and walk down to the beach with a smile on his face as the moon shone, the wind in his hair and his feet wet with the waves tugging at his robe as he strode across to the lads.
Alone now on the hill in the deep of the night were you on your knees before Father giving thanks as your faith in Him soared and you knew you will follow him too.

1 comment:

  1. How beautifully put! When we read about Jesus taking Himself away to pray it is just amazing that He spent so long praying. And yet He knew what He was missing being separated from God. Sometimes I think we forget what we are missing when we don't spend time either thinking about Him and/or being with Him.
