Thursday 8 March 2012

Faith Tested

         Well that was some picnic;could we have a church picnic like that? (please) Well back to the story we she Jesus,
        Having to dispense the crowds he would have given them a blessing and send them on there way. But pryer to that
       he sent his disciple on before Him, Jesus would know what his disciple where thinking after witnessing the feeding 
        of the 5000; They would be thinking guy's this is it Jesus is going to announce He is the King of Israel and we are going to help him run things. So he sent them away saying  I well finish things off here I will catch you up and I will go and 
      Pray to our Heavenly Father to keep you safe and to get instruction whats next. So there are on this boat in the middle 
     of the loch so we all know what happens next  life gets a bit rough.Where,Jesus guys whats he up to the very time we need him you can here them saying. Peter see's  Jesus walking on the water, Peter gets out of the boat  at that point his 
    Faith was hugh. Then the wheels come off; Folks how many times do we take our eyes of the lord? how many times 
  do we disbelieve that we cannot do the same as Jesus ?Yet it is one of His promise. 

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