Wednesday 7 March 2012

Jesus compassion for other's

Jesus hears of the death of his cousin, his forerunner, John the Baptist. So Jesus says to his disciple Hi guy's I need,
rest I need to find some solitude, Jesus needed to spend time in prayer to His Heavenly Father. He needed to get away
from public ministry. So he gets into a boat with his disciple, went to the other side of the lake seeking some solitude.
Can you imagine what Jesus's emotion's where like, you have just lost a dear cousin in a horrific murder,He is also having to get him and his disciple away from Herod. They new that Herod could do the same to them,and it was another reminder
from God to him that his hour was coming and coming soon. So what was Jesus's response when he saw the crowds
He put his own needs behind him, to the needs of other's His compassion to heal their sick and the need to teach them.
So there are two thing's I need to look at here, Do I like Jesus put other's need's before mine, And do I like John The
Baptist stand firm in God's word and live it with no com-premise, and would I be prepared to die for his word.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Kenny are we just to peas in a pod when we read this scripture? Doesn't it just affirm what God is telling us when others see the same thing? I wrote my post and read yours and thought yes. Jesus compassion and selflessness shone out in this passage and asked myself how often do I work from dawn to dusk for others? If I want to be like Jesus I've got a long way to go.
