Tuesday 10 April 2012

Trust in Me: I Care

Imagine standing on a hill talking to someone who had risen from the dead. The person, you had seen do so many miracles in life and had now been raised from the dead. Would you have hesitated in believing in Him? Not just believing that he was the Messiah, possibly a great man but a man none the less, but that He was God!

This reminds me of the story in Acts when Peter escaped from jail. - "they passed through and started walking down the street, and then the angel suddenly left him. Peter finally came to his senses. “It’s really true!” he said".

When I read this recently it made me laugh. What was Peter thinking! An angel turns up, his chains fall off and he just walks out of the prison gates. Yet Peter doesn't realise the truth until he is out on the street, a block away.

How often do we read the bible and think - 'I wouldn't do that or be like that' and yet when we think back on our lives we already have. We hesitate. we question whether Jesus has the authority in our lives. Maybe we question whether he cares.

But Jesus says don't hesitate for " I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth". Trust in me.

So go and immerse people in my name - in my nature, being and essence. Spread the word. And remember I will be with you to the end. I care!

And do you know what, the end here means completion/fulfilment. For within this promise is another promise that all things are part of God's plan and that his plan will be fulfilled. Trust in me! I care!

So Jesus thank you that you care. Thank you for your word, for the amazing journey you have taken me on in the last few months. For I have come closer to you: your nature/ being; your commands for my life; your power/ authority and your promises.

My god truly is an awesome God.


PS As a final farewell I will be listing all of Jesus commands to us that he gave us in Matthew because He has asked us to live these out in our lives to give the fruit of them to others as well as the words. So watch out!

...our turn now!

Today Jesus, our Lord and Saviour closes one chapter to begin another.  His ending makes room for our new beginning.  He has left a clear trail.  He has shown us what to do…it’s our turn now!

Lord pour out Your Spirit upon us…complete that which You have begun in us.  Bring us to the harvest…fulfil Your word:  Psalm 126:6   6 He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed, Shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.


Today is the last of our Matthew Project’s GodBlog!  Thank you all who contributed.  Thank you especially Laura for you have spoken into our lives.  I have been more than blessed…I have been privileged reading the thoughts our Lord God has shared with you all.  Thank you for faithfully sowing His words, His heart poured into yours…may your lives bring a fragrance of Jesus even to the ends of the earth.


How good is this – He said:  “And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age!”



Monday 9 April 2012


Why do you think Jesus appeared to the women? It wasn't because they hadn't been told the good news, the angel had just done this, and in a no less wonderful way. It wasn't because they weren't going to tell the others because the passage says that that was exactly where they were going.

I wonder if it was because as they left the tomb they were both fearful and joyful. For all that Jesus told them was to rejoice. It is as if He wanted to dispel their fear. To move their focus from death to life and to celebration.

How often does life get us down. It takes over, we lose focus on Jesus and the joy He has brought us. We focus on the negative.

Here Jesus says to us all, rejoice. An amazing thing has just happened, the salvation of the world has been granted. Man's separation from God has been removed. This is something we should live every day, not just at Easter time.

It was lovely to see everyone getting baptised on Sunday, reminding us of the joy of following Jesus.

God help me to rejoice, to focus on your forgiveness, to see you, to fall at your feet and worship, and to obey your commands just like those women, who were the first to see you that special day.


Sunday 8 April 2012

Love, Honour, Obey and be Blessed

The Woman v Judas

There is so much in this passage. First the woman with the oil. Here it shows the difference between the 2 commands to love the Lord your God with all your heart and loving others as yourself. It shows that putting God first is paramount. This woman put God first and that is what she is to be remembered for.

And yet the juxtaposition of this act and Judas's is so stark. From honour to betrayal. Was He peeved off that the money hadn't gone into the common purse, the purse he was skimming off? Perhaps he felt that something that could have been his was wasted on Jesus and the woman was commended for it! It would seem he didn't see the point of honouring Jesus. In fact he saw it as a flagrant waste. He had missed the point. His selfishness drove him away from God.


Then the Passover Meal. It wasn't necessary for Jesus to hold it. Traditionally it was to be held the next day and yet Jesus saw past the tradition to the importance of holding the meal. To praise God, to show obedience to Him and finally to pass down a most profound teaching. Do this in remembrance of me! Do what exactly? Well, really it was the Passover meal. Eating the bread and drinking the wine was only part of the meal, which was in memory of God's mercy and provision of freedom to the Jews from their captivity in Egypt. And yet, Jesus was explaining that from then on they were to celebrate Passover not in memory of their physical freedom from Egypt, but their spiritual freedom, provided by Jesus through his sacrifice.


Often we think of Peter as impulsive and yet here he showed perseverance. The passage says, he was there to see the end. He so wanted to be there. He understood its importance. And yet He wasn't there at the end. He left. His own fear had caused him to stumble. He was scared about being associated with the one he knew was the Son of God, the one who had helped Him to walk on water, who had taught him the meaning of life. Even though he knew Jesus authority, he loved Him and wanted to follow Him, his fear of what the people around him thought meant he bailed out. He didn't see it through. What a word of warning and yet also a story with a wonderful ending. Jesus still forgave Him and used Him. He became someone who championed Jesus and spread the good news to lots of complete strangers, some who didn't want to know. So we must never forget Jesus unlimited grace and compassion. For Peter's heart was willing, and Jesus saw this, even if his fear at the time was greater. But he had to conquer it and put God first.


Doing Nothing

I think sometimes it is easy to say well I am not that bad!!! I haven't murdered anyone! But in Matt 25 Jesus raises the bar. Just as he did with the young rich man who came to see Him to ask how He could get eternal life/spiritual freedom. The young man had lived a very good life and yet He still released something was missing. Jesus asked Him to give up his riches, to humble himself and to help others with it. Yet He couldn't.

Here again Jesus teaches us that doing nothing - only looking after our own spiritual lives and not helping others - is not enough. We have to share whatever we have, to help others wherever we can. To think of others.

And fear is not a good enough excuse to do nothing. Fear of failure, fear of making it worse, needs to be faced head on.

So trust the lord your god with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind and lean not on your own understanding. For fear is just that, your understanding of the situation, not Gods. God give me your compassion for others to counteract whatever fears are stopping me from having faith in you and living out what you have planned for me.


Saturday 7 April 2012

God humbled Himself

We’ve seen the disciples on the road to Jerusalem arguing over just who was greatest among them.  Then in the upper-room, even after Jesus so clearly taught them how desirable, how Kingdom-ish humility is, even the humility of a child, these same Jesus followers still withheld humility from one another…clinging stubbornly to their arrogance, not one humbled himself enough at their last supper to bring alongside that bowl of water and wash the other’s feet.  We’ve heard them scuffling, pushing themselves to the front, “I will never, never, never deny You Jesus…maybe the others will, but no not me!”  And in all this, we see ourselves, I see myself as in a mirror and the reflections expose my heart…I am so sorry Lord.

Then on the cross, one of His last acts, having been humiliated beyond humiliation, lied about, treated with contempt by the very people He loved and taught in the temple, beaten, stripped, mocked, held down, shamed by a cross…He drank from their sponge of sour wine.

It was at a Roman museum in Galashiels I heard the presenter tell the children that the Roman soldiers carried weapons with them every where they went…was it a broadsword? And they carried a little mug to drink from.  And someone was always tasked to bring along sour vinegar and a sponge on a stick…that was instead of toilet paper.  Is this the same sponge Jesus chose to drank from, a final act of humiliation?

I’ve mentioned this to someone who was adamant…no ways would Jesus have given His executioners the pleasure of receiving such humiliation…but I wonder because I see Jesus, I see my God as the essence of humility.

Lord Jesus, that I as Your disciple might please be like You.


Wednesday 4 April 2012

Good Servant

It is so hard sometimes to read these things - death, famine, wars, false people - all will happen. And yet here Jesus says do not be troubled, it is necessary. It has been established by the counsel and decree of God, for our salvation. He is saying, trust in me, have faith.

But He goes on to explain, to show us that, just because these things are going to happen, they are pre-ordained, it doesn't mean we are to be complacent. Quite the reverse. For if we don't pay attention and don't act, if we don't put on our clothes of salvation, then we will not endure. For there is only two options, to be with God, or to be left behind.

So we are to be good servants. We are tasked with being responsible for others and feeding them, whether this is physically or spiritually. Christianity is a community faith, not a personal one, and I need to remember this.

God show me that I am only one of many, and although I am an individual and unique, it doesn't mean that I can use this as an excuse to not be a good servant of Yours.


No 1

Don't we as humans just love to be number 1. The disciples were obsessed with it and so were the Pharisees. And the message that comes out is do as they say not as they do or rather do as I say, not as they do. For their message was based on God's Law and as Jesus was pointing out to them the Messiah, Jesus, was really God's son, speaking God's word, the truth.

And The truth is to focus on God - love Him, obey Him, and love those around you. Those brought near to you by God - whether you would have picked them or not.

So don't focus on yourself and your own self worth - how holy and worthy you think you are.

I love the way the end of the chapter Jesus shows us how to live and think by example. Sharing His compassion for those he has been criticising and were out to kill Him. Showing how He wanted to help them, not judge them.

Lord help me to be meek and poor in spirit, even if it means pulling the rug out from under my feet.


Monday 2 April 2012

Get Your House In Order - the King is coming

In biblical times, the regional custom called for kings and nobles arriving in procession to ride on the back of a donkey. The donkey was a symbol of peace; those who rode upon them proclaimed peaceful intentions. The laying of palm branches indicated that the king or dignitary was arriving in victory or triumph.

I never knew this. So here is Jesus, proclaiming his Kingship and the crowds agree. All through the next passages Jesus displays His authority, in the temple, cursing the fig tree, and through prophetic teachings of the cornerstone.

And the underlying theme is if you don't bear fruit and repent then you are lost, no matter if you profess to believe or not.

So Jesus says - get your house in order. Acknowledge my kingship and authority, change your ways now. Don't just give me lip service but actually go out and live it. Don't put yourself before me for I have provided you everything. Don't covet my place as rightful heir to what I have asked you to tend for me. And beware of where your selfishness might lead you if you - never think about the Lord
or notice what he is doing. Is 5v12.

But take heart, follow my ways and -

...listen to the Lord who created you.
O Israel, the one who formed you says,
“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you.
I have called you by name; you are mine.
2 When you go through deep waters,
I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you.
3 For I am the Lord, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour.
Is 43

Saturday 31 March 2012

My Jesus, My Saviour - there is none like you

What a contrast. From the last meal where the disciples shared an important festival meal with Jesus, found relief that they were not to betray Him and praised God through songs, singing the Psalms, such as 116, 118 and 138. Singing beautiful words - "I will lift up the cup of salvation and praise the Lord’s name for saving me. I will keep my promises to the Lord in the presence of all his people."

To the low of Jesus capture, their desertion in action and in words, to Jesus death. No wonder Peter wept bitterly when after professing in song to the Father, and in person to the Son he then abandoned Jesus, deserted Him.

How sometimes I have such hope and make so many promises to God and Jesus. And how I also weep bitterly when I am proved wrong, when I break those promises and desert Him and His ways.

And yet Jesus still gave Himself as a sacrifice and brought redemption and restoration to Peter and to me. Oh how wonderful! He took on something that was so heinous to Him but that He knew was the only way that Peter and I could come into the presence of our God, Yahweh, the existing one, which is what God wants.

And He provided signs, and still does, of who He is and the power He has, so that I can stand at his feet like the Roman centurion, who crucified Him, and say Truly He is the Son of God.

My Jesus, my Saviour, there is none like You. All of my days I want to praise the glory of Your mighty name.
Help me to sing the Psalm praises from my heart to You just as the early disciples did in that last meal with You. To have the intimacy they had with You. So that even when I desert You, You will bring me back, through the salvation You gave me and the love You have for me.




        The Cross-Cultural Nature of God's Word and Work,
      This text reminds us that different cultures were represented at Calvary and in the church.
          (1  Simon; Wise men of all ages would be honoured to be allowed to perform the task that
            conferred upon Simon of Cyrene, a black man from northwestern Africa. Whether it was voluntary
            or by force, in any case, black hands were extended to help the Saviour bear His cross.
             (2  The Ethiopian eunuch from Africa (Acts 8;26 ) was the first Gentile convert  mentioned 
                by name in the Book of Acts. History reports that he returned to Ethiopia to found the 
                 Abyssinian Christian Church, which exists until this day.  
                Matthew 27 :32 
                     THE KING ON A CROSS 
                Now as they came out they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name.Him they compelled
                to bear His cross. 



Friday 30 March 2012

Preparing For The Big Day

Well having not blogged for a while I am slightly at a loss for what to blog about. So I think I will focus on the weddings. The meeting of two lovers, a ceremony of dedication, in the true biblical sense two becoming one, only to be broken by God. What a lovely way to describe our relationship with God.

Did you know in a Jewish wedding the couple drink wine to symbolise life, and in particular, the new life they will have together? Also once married they go into a secluded place for a little while to spend time together alone before meeting the guests.

In the first wedding parable there are so many invited guests. And yet of the guests that attended the one singled out was the one without the right clothes.

The King, the father of the bridegroom, had to organise everything. He had the authority, the provision and the right to do so. For every guest he provided a set of clothes to wear over their own for the big day. They weren't commanded to wear it, it was a gift. But if you didn't wear it then you had to take the risk that you offended the father, and could be evicted from the wedding.

How amazing to be invited to a special day unexpectedly, to be provided with beautiful clothes to wear. And how rude not to wear them and when asked to have no reason why not.

God gives us a beautiful gift of salvation, to cover our own inadequacies. But we need to be aware if we don't use it that the father will be offended. We need to be prepared, just like the wise virgins, and have our focus on the Father and what He wants from us. We may fall asleep, everyone does, but we shouldn't be caught without the necessary items that we need: the garments of salvation, and a spiritual knowledge in abundance. A knowledge of the Trinity - Father, Jesus and Spirit - that if stored up, treasured and used wisely brings the oil of gladness, healing, wisdom, sacrifice and anointing. That will light our way to allow us and others to follow the bridegroom. (Although it has to be used, it is no use keeping it in a jar, it has to go into the lamp.)

Jesus says in the end - "Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved."

I pray that my love does not grow cold.
I pray that I put the garments of salvation on.
I pray that I store up my spiritual knowledge and use it wisely.
I pray for endurance.


Thursday 29 March 2012

Signs of the End of the edge

When we read Matthew 24 it gets scary. The disciples must have been rather bewildered to say the lest, you can
imaging the thoughts, that where going through there heads. Here we go guys into Jerusalem with the King of Kings
clamming the Kingdom of Heaven on Jerusalem and the end of Gentle rulership they new this would occur,
this was prophesied in the Hebrew Scriptures many times " the time of the end "The Messiah would appear to come
with the kingdom of God. Israel would arise to National greatness the spearhead of the Kingdom.
But what was Jesus saying to them," The end " is not yet as always Jesus had three things he wanted to teach then,
one; it is more complicated than there simplistic minds; Two; they could not no when the end would be or
when the return of Christ would take place; And three they should not worry about world events they should be
watching there relationship with God. What doe's this mean to us in this day and age?The very same we do not no when the end of time is or the return of our saviour,we should be living our life's looking forward to His return and meanwhile
to live responsibly ,faithfully, compassionately, and courageously under the authority of the Holy Spirit and living by
Gods word.Following Jesus by fulfilling or commission.

Monday 26 March 2012

Prayer - A Disciples Guide

There is so much that can be gleaned from this passage but the phrase that stood out for me was this... It is written my house is a house of prayer.

Here Jesus must be talking about God's house, the tabernacle. And it becomes even more poignant when I think back to the ascension passage where I was focussed on the fact that God's dwelling place, the tabernacle, changes with the death of Christ, and he now dwells in us, in our hearts, within our soul. God with us!

So how amazing is it that here Jesus calls us, the tabernacle, a dwelling place for prayer. The Greek word for prayer suggests not just a quick chat to God about our day but something much more. A closeness and intimacy with God, a vow or surrender of something important for our heart's desire and through an understanding of their culture an offering of thanks before prayer has been voiced - faith and worship mingled together.

Hers is another guide to discipleship. God says, if you want to be my dwelling place, a living tabernacle, then you need to -

1. Have an intimacy with me
2. Surrender the most important things in your life in order to gain your heart's desire (which should be Jesus heart's desire)
3. Use thanksgiving to worship me as a living memorial to your faith in me

Now that is humbling, beautiful prayer.

God let me pray to you like that every day.


Sunday 25 March 2012

I am generous!

His is our God!  So different to me.  Not just fair, but full of grace.  Giving more than we ask or think or deserve…just because that’s His heart.  Lord, give me out of Your heart that I may be more like Jesus.


Saturday 24 March 2012

Never Assume - Look to God for He is Just

Another case of being taught not to assume things. The first workers assumed they would get more. They began to think that because they had worked longer and harder they were entitled to more. They forgot that if it had not been for the master inviting them in then they would have had nothing. They forgot that He was good and just. It was only through the master's will that they received anything, not theirs. Their focus had turned from the master, his promises and his work to themselves.

God look into my heart and where you see jealousy, selfishness and pride show me how wrong I am and bring my focus back to you. For you are good and you are just. Don't let me forget it.

Friday 23 March 2012

God is Good

What interests me in this passage is that when the man comes to Jesus calling Him good teacher, he probably only meant it as a mark of respect. And yet Jesus uses it to make the man look at his preconceptions and focus on who Jesus was/ is. Jesus says - why do you call me good? Only God is good. It is like he is saying - you have called me God, do you understand what you have actually said, do you understand that is who I really am?

And only then once he has been confronted by the reality of God and who Jesus is, is he given the truth. And that is if you want to be alive, spiritually alive, then you need to obey God, give up the earthly/ physical things that hold you back and follow Jesus. All 3 are necessary.

And when the disciples heard this they realised their own fragility. Could anyone be saved, could we be saved they thought? But Jesus explains that we can. Not through our own endeavours but through God because for Him all things are possible. How great is this!

God knows, we are going to stumble and fall, but as long as we keep trying to do those 3 things, He will make it possible for us to be part of the Kingdom.

God thank you for understanding that we can never reach your level of Good. And yet you loved us so much that you made sure we could be saved anyway. God thank you for showing us in such an intimate and loving way how nothing is impossible for you. For even though you abhor the wrong things in us, the times when we don't measure up to your good, you still wanted to be with us, so you made the impossible possible. You asked Jesus to stand in our place, to cover the wrong things up so that we are only good, so that we can still be with you and be part of your Kingdom. Thank you.


Thursday 22 March 2012

We are the Kingdom - we can bring it to the world

Here we see the inclusiveness of Christ, no group is left out, no person is forbidden from coming to Him. Do we sometimes exclude others from Christ because it doesn't fit with our notion of what is important/ right? Or do we exclude other Kingdom residents because it doesn't suit us or we don't see the point of including them?

If we do then we need to be aware by rejecting Kingdom People we are actually rejecting the Kingdom. Because Jesus says in this passage that the kingdom of heaven IS this sort of people. Not that the Kingdom is made up of this sort of people but that THE PEOPLE ARE THE KINGDOM. I wonder if I sometimes forget this.

Jesus shows us here that if we want to be in the Kingdom then all we need to do is be in the right frame of mind, the Kingdom mind, and be with others with the same frame of mind, Kingdom people.

It is just another reminder of - where two or three are gathered in Jesus name then there He is also. Because if together we ARE the Kingdom, and that is where Jesus is, then He will be with us. And that can only lead to great things!

So God here my prayer for the church. This month as we meet with one another, help us to meet together in your Spirit with the right frame of mind, with no other agenda. Then we can bring your Kingdom to earth, just as you and we have fervently prayed for so many times in the Lord's Prayer.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Sex Education - Biblical Style

I think this passage is always a hard one, especially for those who are married to a divorced person, which I am.

But when my husband and I discuss what marriage means to us it is just as Jesus said, the union of two, to create one, the beginning of the family unit. Something that cannot be broken. It is easy to focus on what people do wrong in their life but nobody is perfect. More importantly we need to focus on making it right.

But what is interesting is that although God made us to be male and female, married, Jesus says this doesn't mean that if you are celibate by nature or choose to stay celibate for God that this is an issue.

So marriage is important, it is how we were originally made, but it is not what needs to drive you, that should be God.

Pharisees V. Jesus

These Pharisees where a persistent lot here they go again, testing Jesus with there well studied questions
they thought they could get the better of Him. BUT how did he answer; have you lot not read, do you not
understand.I think they made up there own rules, skipped through the scriptures took out, what suited there
way of living, and even made up the rest. And seeing how GOOD Jesus was they did not like this at all.
Every time I've been study Matthew and not skipping though the verses. More and more lesson I am learning.
And reminding me how I also can be like the pharisees so full of my own understandings,even if I am not sure.

Dear Heavenly Father help me to read your word prayerfully and if I am not sure what the teaching is about, can
you humble me to ask my Paster to make things clear to me. So that can live by your word.


Lost Sheep

I love this paragraph because it is about the sheep that wandered away from the group. This wasn't the sheep that was already lost but rather the one that got lost. But God loves that sheep just as much and asks us to love them too.

Just like the elder brother, who questions the father when the prodigal son returns, it can be so easy for us to judge others. But Jesus asks us to have a passionate and forgiving heart. If a fellow Christian does something to hurt us, Jesus asks us to speak with them. Not to ignore them and wash our hands of them but to work it out. Didn't work well try again and bring some support. That didn't work? Then ask the church to join behind you to show compassion and forgiveness to them. Not condemnation but love - to win them back to God. Not to accuse them but to include them and throw them a welcome back party.

Sometimes it is hard to talk to someone about how they might have hurt you, and we think it is best not to say anything. But talking is important and builds fellowship. As long as you put the other person first, not your feelings, and that your aim is that both of you will be closer to God. There should be no told you so's in church!

God give me the courage to talk to others, in a deeper and more meaningful way, with tolerance, humility, forgiveness and the love of God.

Meek in Spirit

"Wouldn't it be better if...?". It is such a little, seemingly harmless, phrase. And yet it is the beginning of what the disciples were arguing about. Sometimes we have such pride in what we have done and what we can achieve that we begin to think we are better than others. Jesus reminds us that it is only when we give all that up, become like a child and depend on our God, see that we are only part of a much larger plan, that our true greatness will shine through. But he doesn't stop there he shows us how having true faith in God and humbling ourselves sets us apart. And warns us that if we don't then we run the risk of not following God and being like a false prophet, causing someone who is pure of heart to stumble.

God show me when I am proud and teach me to be humble. As only then will I be following your path.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Disciples don't...disciples do!

Disciples don’t push to the front…they do humble themselves, as little children, finding their all, with child like trust, in God.

Disciples don’t hinder access to God…they do war against stumbling blocks.

Disciples don’t shrug off the lapsed...they do leave the 99 for the one that’s gone astray.

Disciples don’t sweep it under the carpet…they do hold one another to account.

Disciples don’t hold someone’s sin against them…they do forgive and forgive and forgive and forgive and forgive.

Disciples do what Jesus would do.


God's way!

I know this was Friday’s reading but didn’t you love that wee story about Peter fishing for the coin to pay his and Jesus’ temple tax?

See God here!

He could have magically produced the coin for His Son…but He didn’t…He used natural means to supernatural ends. 

So He knows His Son will have need at just this time…and seeing all things: seeing someone on a boat losing a coin, watching a fish drawn to something shiny swallowing the coin, watching Peter bait his fishing rod, compelling that fish to swim to that side of the lake, to bite on that hook at just that moment…and so it goes on…our Lord using natural means to perform the supernatural…even in our own lives.

Glory, glory, glory to God in the Highest…who provides for His disciples…as they have need.

(So much more interesting and God-glorifying then taking out a loan!)



Saturday 17 March 2012

Freedom in Christ at a Cost

Wow, this is just what Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians 8. We need to be careful. Just because the new way brings freedom, doesn't mean that we can do anything we want. We need to be tolerant and thoughtful of others in everything we do, even the things that we do for God. Because we can't cause someone to stumble or fall in their own spiritual path.

Or as Jesus puts it, we should not be snaring them - doing something that they do not approve of and which stops them from acknowledging God and trusting and obeying Christ and ways.

And we can ensnare everyone! Both those that believe, as well as those that don't.

God show me what I do that belittles you in others eyes through my actions so that I might change this and bring glory to you, not take it away.

God With Us

At the same time the disciples were having very different experiences. How very different at the top of the mountain to the bottom.

All were chosen by Jesus and had decided to follow Him but one group were at the top with Jesus, listening to God speak, being given instruction from God and seeing Jesus in all his glory. The others were at the bottom of the mountain being ridiculed by the Pharisees and feeling helpless because they could not heal the boy.

We all want to be at the top of the mountain and Jesus tells us the only way to get there is by faith. So if you want to get to the top we need to step out in faith. It doesn't need to be lots of faith, just a little, to get us to make that first step. The holy spirit will supply us with the rest.

God help me to make that first step in faith because I want to hear your voice and bring what I can of the Kingdom to the people I meet.


Friday 16 March 2012

Fasting and Prayer

       Matthew Chapter 17 verses 20 to 21 
      So Jesus said to them " Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as mustard seed, you will   say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU.
      However, this kind does not go out except by  prayer and fasting"

I have just copied what Jesus our King has said to his disciples; TO me this is clear instruction how to move mountains 
Now we all know,that he did not mean we could change the scenery of the Borders." What would be the point in that "
What did he mean you ask Well let us fill our monthly  prayer meetings and then WE will see how serious Jesus is
      We may even see a   REVIVAL!     Kenny              

The littleness of my faith!

Oh Lord, it’s not fitting as Your disciple to have so little faith, smaller yet than a mustard seed…but I fear I’m given away by my prayers, by the way I live, my “making a plan” when instead I should be waiting on You…Lord, I believe – help my unbelief.


Thursday 15 March 2012

If You Want to Hear God You Have Got to Listen!

Ha ha! Poor Peter. He just wants to help but so often He speaks first and thinks later. I mean thinking back, if it hadn't been so awe inspiring, it would have been quite embarrassing being cut off by God mid sentence when you are trying to arrange sacred spaces (tabernacles) for everyone so that they can commune with Him. Talk about ironic!

Or should I say thought provoking because this passage is all about meeting with God.

And what did God say? Listen to Jesus, He is my son. He is God With You. You don't need special places to talk to me you can just go to Jesus - He is me.

And more than that when Jesus died for us He broke the barrier between God and us. No tent needed!

So you want to get closer to God? You want to hear Him? There is nothing stopping you, only yourself. You just have to listen. So maybe the old Sunday school song read your bible, pray everyday and you'll grow, grow, grow isn't so wrong after all. But you won't just be growing you'll be meeting with God. And as we see from this passage that is awe inspiring stuff - enough to change you into something out of this world and make the Kingdom of God shine out of you.


They did not recognise him...

Sometimes we get just a glimpse of Him…and it takes our breath away!  Jesus here, transfigured…reminds me of John’s vision of Jesus on Patmos, so shockingly awe-some that John fell to the ground as dead. 

Jesus glorious, transfigured for a minute, for 5 or 10?  And then Jesus Son of God taking on His body of humiliation looking like you and me…just a man…as Isaiah says, “without stately form or majesty that we should look upon Him, nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him!”   

Here is seeing Jesus:  so, so, so humble!  God’s heart so so so humble!  And they did not recognize Him.

Just as they did not recognize John the Baptist.

Therefore they shall not recognize, perceive, understand accurately His disciples.

Father, I hate the look of my pride…give me out of this humility…though the world about will not recognize me.



Wednesday 14 March 2012

Matthew: A Book for Believers: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions

Doesn't this passage just confirm what has been going before? Even those who are in possession of the truth of who Jesus is, and who have such strength of faith like Peter, can be lured to focus on human issues/constraints.

'For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God' - even the greats. So be careful that pride in your own beliefs, even if you think they are based on sound reasoning, doesn't make you an adversary of God and Jesus.

Jesus' way, not ours, is the right path. And what does Jesus say to Peter? Get behind me! He re-asserts his authority and place: He is first. And shows us what our role is, to support him in His ways, and to be behind him all the way.

So if you want to follow Jesus you've got to get behind Him. You've got to support Him and let Him lead the way!

God help me to hear your voice.


The Essence of The Kingdom Life

What a moment for Peter,

Jesus ; Who do men say I, The Son of Man am?

Peter ; You are the Christ , The son of the Living God

Jesus; Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, " for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in
Heaven. And also I say to you that you are the rock I well build my church,and the gates of Hades shall not prevail
against it. Here is Peter having an encounter with the Father so Jesus makes it clear that Peter's confession about
His person was right. Then the next statement Jesus was saying, the disciples did not quite understand,that he had to
suffer and be crucified for the sins of the world. Two central truths here in 16 Matthew. One The lord Jesus Christ is
The Messiah .And two, the duties of the disciples of the Kingdom of God and these duties are not just for the disciples
but for you and I that we must be crucified to or selfs and reborn in Christ and be ready to suffer and willing to do so
for the Kingdom of God. Following and saying yes to Jesus is not all about putting our hands up in the air and singing
great worship song, there is responsibilities a way of life we have to live, a commission we have to fulfil, to be a
disciple of the Kingdom of God we have to be taught the truths of the Gospel and live it no matter what the world
thinks. Our reward is waiting in Heaven for us . And also we have a Holy Spirit willing and ready to help us in our
duties to in large the Kingdom.

In Christ Jesus or Lord Kenny.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Forgotten Soul

Isn't it easy to get caught up in the physical things in life - what the weather is going to be like, how much food we have? And it takes us away from thinking about the spiritual things in life. But we should never forget that like Jonah's leaf the physical things are transient, but the spiritual things are everlasting.

So let's focus on Jonah's sign - judgement, repentance, compassion, salvation - "For my salvation comes from the Lord alone".

Lord help me to let the Holy Spirit sort out the spiritual things in my life and like yeast He will permeate everything that I do, think and say. He will radically change me into something that can provide others with LIFE - spiritual and physical.


Monday 12 March 2012

Lest We Forget

Why is it that we start getting so blasé about things? If we have heard a story once, when heard again it never has the same impact. I mean it isn't everyday that someone feeds over 4000 people on a few loaves and fishes and yet here I am thinking, it's very similar to the other story!

Then the doubts creep in? Is this actually the same event - it is pretty similar. But it's not - the number of people are different, the number of loaves are different, the number of leftovers are different, even the type of baskets they used were different!

It is so easy to belittle what our God does for us. Maybe we start to compare it with others experiences. Or we have the same experiences again and again and begin not to take notice. Maybe we start to doubt, was it really God or was it just coincidence?

God keep reminding me that you are God and help me to look for you and your miracles in my life and others' lives everyday.


Compassion for Outsiders

Hi folks Kenny here I have had a bad day health wise sometimes it gets me down. So what better way to end the
day getting my head into Matthew.Matthew is very keen to show us the same type of miracles here. One in the
Jews demean and one in the Gentles, one of the lesson here that Jesus wanted his Disciples to learn, was that
there is no differences made. When you look closely at these verses you see the Disciple where very quick to
say to Jesus that the Jews had nothing to eat and that they should be sent home, for there dinner, super,what ever.But
When it came to Gentles it took them three days before they noticed, and Jesus had to go to them His Disciples
to point out that the crowds where hungry and he had compassion for them feed them He said.Do we even
feed or own let a lone outsiders?Food for thought.

Being the Middle-man

Saturdays reading was about a desperate Mum seeking out Jesus the Healer for her daughter at home so badly afflicted that she couldn't even bring her to him.So she desided to go and plead with him anyway. She was not going to go back empty handed... she was going to annoy him with her persistant pleas (and the disciples) untill he respnded! How like a woman!!! nag nag nag... well it paid off, and thats all that mattered to her. She went home with just a word from Jesus ... both of encouragement and accomplishment. Your faith is great... your request granted.
Today we see him in in another region and on another mountainside and thousands flocking around him bringing brothers, mothers, friends, fathers, sisters the old the young in every state. There it is again OTHERS BRINGING OTHERS not in hope but in FAITH to Jesus the healer, restorer, Messiah, promise keeper, miricle worker, God. He saw, he listened, he heard, he responded. Their faith rewarded Their loved ones restored.
 Is HE not the same one?
 Who are you bringing in faith to Jesus on their behalf?      I know who I am.   I'm not going to shut up either!

Saturday 10 March 2012


Have you ever come close to forgiving for love? Some wrong that was done to you by another you forgave because there was no other choice. You loved them. Only then can we come close to what God did for us through Jesus. Forgiveness for us through no other reason than love. Not because what we did was right but because we were loved.

Ask and You Shall Receive

Jesus: She loves her daughter so much. I can feel her anguish and pain, I know what it is like to feel that you have lost a loved one. And she has lost her daughter to the devil. What will I say?

The woman: I can't believe I can actually see Him. I've been waiting so long. I will now actually be able to ask Him to help me at last. I will call him by his true title because He is of royal blood.

The Disciples: I can't believe this woman is coming to bother Him. But look He's doing what He said. He's not defiling himself by speaking to her. Well He is our rabbi, he's not meant to speak to Gentile women.

Jesus: How long before they learn! I suppose they don't realise they are going to be sharing the Kingdom with a lot more Gentile women when I am gone. That this will be their task. Well, I suppose I am their teacher so here's another lesson. But I must honour my heavenly father and the task He has given me.

The Woman: He says he is only here to help the Jews but I know who He is and what He can do. I won't be turned away that easily. I'll just keep asking.

Jesus: I'm not going to disown anyone, especially not God's Chosen people, I hope she understands.

The Woman: Yes, I realise you speak the truth, that Jesus the man, has a calling, but there is more. You are also the son of God. I know you can do all things. I know you have enough for the Jews and still have more power, compassion and love to spill over to everyone, even me.

Jesus: She understands, in her pain and suffering, she still has compassion for a people who look down on her, and she sees that if you ask with the right heart and the understanding of who I truly am then I am everyone's provider.

The Disciples: He said that she has faith and that her daughter is healed, even though she is a Gentile. We've got Him wrong again and held him to account by our own laws and ways. How humble was she to accept us as above her. I wouldn't have liked to have been likened to a dog. Perhaps we have more to learn than we first thought.


Friday 9 March 2012

An Echo of the Soul

Beware what you say as it only echoes what you truly feel and if said enough times it can start to bind you and shape your beliefs and your heart!  This is what we talked of in our small group on Tuesday.  The power of the spoken word.  And yet really it is the power of your beliefs and your heart's desire that are just echoed in your words and your actions.

Take Herod, at any time if he had put God's desire above his own heart's desire then he would never have killed John the Baptist.  For God asks us in the ten commandments not to kill.  But rather his heart's desire was for power and status and he didn't want to lose face.  So with his words he issued the necessary orders.

Take the pharisees, at any time, they could have embraced Jesus and His words, but rather they wanted to be the ones in charge, they wanted to be the teachers.  And through their heart's desire they continually used words to snipe and argue with Jesus and belittle him and give them an excuse to kill Him.

It's not your eyes that are the windows to your soul but your lips.  So as the old Sunday School song says, 'Watch your lips, watch your lips what they say" as they are proclaiming what you feel and desire.  And it is an important responsibility!  For you could be leading those that look up to you and listen to you and follow you  into a ditch, if you don't!

God change my heart so that my words will change and those that listen to me will only hear words of truth, honesty and love.


Human Tradition Versus the Holy Scripture

There is a collision here of two very different views of religion and also of two demands of God. This is the way I
see it, first we have Pharisees and the scribes they have,(let us look good with our Sunday best) and the rituals
that have "always been" and all the pompous, ceremonies that go's with them. Second we have Jesus and his
disciples, A carpenter and a hole load of fishermen speaking from the heart,Jesus always keeping in touch with His
Heavenly Father and it is God's word and God's word there is no compromise. It is relationship With God one that is
maintained by inward faith of the Lord Jesus Christ.I wonder how long did it take the Pharisees and the scribes or did
they even want to learn the truth.

God bless love Kenny

Thursday 8 March 2012


Going up against THE authorities, the big wigs, must have flustered the disciples… don’t you know Jesus you offended them...THE PHARISEES! You quoted scripture against them, rebuked them, called them hypocrites! Challenged them and pointed out their sin …IN PUBLIC! Wow.  AND then you call us thick!


Father we live in a society that slaps you in the face with all its “political correctness” forgive us for being so THICK and for being so pathetically silent when we don’t speak up against the wrong. Teach us to be like you Lord that even if it means offending… we must say what the truth is, according to your word THE TRUTH!

It cost you… it WILL cost us. If God says something is sin … its sin…. period. Basically Jesus said if they teach something other than the truth,  they are going to be ripped up anyway…. Speak out the truth… challenge… rebuke…. We are to be light, salt… just like Jesus. You were fearless, give me courage Lord to be fearless because of the Truth.





Peter may have got out the boat but Jesus got in!

Wouldn't it be great to have the confidence of Peter. To not care if people think you are a fool for being out there, getting out of the boat, being obedient to God and using your faith.

But what strikes me tonight is that Jesus in all His majesty didn't need to get into the boat. He could make His own travelling arrangements but He chose to get into the boat with His disciples.

And because Jesus was there with them, ALL were saved that night, but only Peter was blessed. He was given a time to remember and cherish. A special time with His creator where He did wondrous things, all because he got out of the boat.

God, don't let me stay sitting in the boat thinking that guy is a bit of a fool. Open my eyes to see that the foolish ones are the ones left behind in the boat because they are missing out.


Oh you of little faith...

How impulsive, how OTT, just like you Peter to push yourself to the front! 

How wonderful, how inspirational, how I love your heart Peter that follows so hard, that seeks to imitate your Jesus and walk on water. 

Oh Lord, how small my faith!

Like Peter I pray, “command me…!”


Faith Tested

         Well that was some picnic;could we have a church picnic like that? (please) Well back to the story we she Jesus,
        Having to dispense the crowds he would have given them a blessing and send them on there way. But pryer to that
       he sent his disciple on before Him, Jesus would know what his disciple where thinking after witnessing the feeding 
        of the 5000; They would be thinking guy's this is it Jesus is going to announce He is the King of Israel and we are going to help him run things. So he sent them away saying  I well finish things off here I will catch you up and I will go and 
      Pray to our Heavenly Father to keep you safe and to get instruction whats next. So there are on this boat in the middle 
     of the loch so we all know what happens next  life gets a bit rough.Where,Jesus guys whats he up to the very time we need him you can here them saying. Peter see's  Jesus walking on the water, Peter gets out of the boat  at that point his 
    Faith was hugh. Then the wheels come off; Folks how many times do we take our eyes of the lord? how many times 
  do we disbelieve that we cannot do the same as Jesus ?Yet it is one of His promise. 

Amazing God

Hi Blogging at last (with the help from Kenny,s Mac..... Thank you Kenny)

I love the project! I love that we are all disciples together,digging into God,s word together. It brings a sense of
being trained up; discipled so we can disciple.

At the last prayer meeting Zephaniah 3;9 came up " then will I purify the lips of the peoples,that all of them may
call on the name of the lord and serve Him shoulder to shoulder" Amen lord! SO may it be among us!

So today, to Matthew 14. I'd never realised before that the feeding of the 5000 came so immediately out
of such tragedy and bereavement for Jesus; His cousin and forerunner beheaded. So He went to find a
quiet place (cue a diversion; may we be a people of the secret place.....cue a bible study on the secret place....
wow psalm 91 for a start) Back to Matthew 14... I was struck by how fully human as well as fully God Jesus was.
Our painful times make us feel so vulnerable, but also so much more in touch with others pain.And Jesus, in His
grief, seeing crowds of sick people He had compassion on them and healed them. Though fully God,could Jesus
be feeling more acutely at that moment the realities of human sufferings; the transient nature of live; the really
important issues of eternal life?And then isn't it just so human to go of our food when grieving....no wonder Jesus
just kept on ministering without giving food a thought. So everyone got hungry. But somehow all along did He
also know He would do a miracle that demonstrated something of how His broken body would be enough to feed the
souls of the world,with loads left over? Wow, our amazing God.

God bless Love Muriel Forman

Wednesday 7 March 2012

One of the Crowd

Can you imagine being there? 5000 men, never mind the women and children. All waiting to see Jesus and some waiting to be healed.

How easy would it have been for Jesus to say - not today! Too busy, or I'm on holiday, or it is my day off, or even I'm mourning the death of my cousin, or I'm grieving for one of the most celebrated men of our time! How many excuses or reasons did He have to just ignore the crowds? But He didn't. He had compassion for them and it moved Him to tirelessly work for these people. So much so He worked until it was late. Then what? Could He not then say - I've done my bit, I need a rest? No! He saw that the crowds still needed His help so He fed them. That was some church picnic!

How often do we have a good reason not to chip in or do our part. How often do we put our own needs in front of others. I know I'm always doing it. Don't I deserve a rest Lord I say, I've done my bit, or it's my day off. Jesus humbly shows us that the Kingdom's work is never done and if you want to see His Kingdom on earth then you need to be driven by compassion for other's needs and not for your own.

God knock me to my knees with your compassion for others, make it my soul desire to want to help.


Good Intentions

As we read about Herod it is clear that we are meant to realise that vows are serious things. That something that begins as seemingly harmless, based on good intentions, can go horribly wrong. The bible constantly reminds us that making promises is not something to be done lightly and look where it left Herod! By trying to please others He ended up doing something he didn't really want to do and in the end it haunted him. Why else would he be worried that John the Baptist had come back to life! Not the first assumption most people might spring to.

In the end his words bound him. Something harmlessly said had lasting consequences.

God help me to see that I need to please you and not people. When I please you, the consequence will be that I will please others, because you will honour my loyalty. Thank you.


Jesus compassion for other's

Jesus hears of the death of his cousin, his forerunner, John the Baptist. So Jesus says to his disciple Hi guy's I need,
rest I need to find some solitude, Jesus needed to spend time in prayer to His Heavenly Father. He needed to get away
from public ministry. So he gets into a boat with his disciple, went to the other side of the lake seeking some solitude.
Can you imagine what Jesus's emotion's where like, you have just lost a dear cousin in a horrific murder,He is also having to get him and his disciple away from Herod. They new that Herod could do the same to them,and it was another reminder
from God to him that his hour was coming and coming soon. So what was Jesus's response when he saw the crowds
He put his own needs behind him, to the needs of other's His compassion to heal their sick and the need to teach them.
So there are two thing's I need to look at here, Do I like Jesus put other's need's before mine, And do I like John The
Baptist stand firm in God's word and live it with no com-premise, and would I be prepared to die for his word.


Eavesdropping on Jesus

Imagine being the last one on that mountainside and staying unnoticed to see what Jesus did after the disiples had got on the boat and all the crowds had disapeared down the road.
Did Jesus sigh a huge sigh of relief to at last be alone.. no one crowding around asking for this or that begging and touching , pressing and shoving for attention everyone with their needs each one trying to get something from Him... How many bowed before him just to worship or pray thanks or to bless him in Gods name because here He was... Messiah? 
What did Jesus do then... walk further up the hill to get a better view?or sit down exhausted, did he fall to his knees and pull his prayer shawl over his head as he immediatly turned to Father to spend time with Him? What did they talk about? was he worshipping God feeling the awe of a man used by God to do these miricles? Was he too pleading for the miricle of divine strength to continue to complete THE MISSION. Did he weep for the pain of those he saw who were so vulnerable, lost and fearful? Did he pray for each of his disiples by name bringing each one before Father knowing their deepest needs and for their Mission once he was gone and for their growing to understand things of the Spirit? Did he pray for the Pharisees and his enemies... did he see Judas already pulling away....
 Did He and Father have a laugh as they shared the funny stuff that happened and the plan to walk across the water in the storm and how it would really ruffle the guys more than the wind they were battling against.... how the time flew past ... those hours there on the hill with Father getting more instruction , more strength, more empowering to go the next step closer to that terrible but necessary costly sacrifice.
Did he get up and walk down to the beach with a smile on his face as the moon shone, the wind in his hair and his feet wet with the waves tugging at his robe as he strode across to the lads.
Alone now on the hill in the deep of the night were you on your knees before Father giving thanks as your faith in Him soared and you knew you will follow him too.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

God, do You love me?

Did You call me…did You really?  So where are you now?  Is Your hand so short?  Haven’t I given up everything for You?  Didn’t I serve You faithfully?  Did I ever let You down?  So why am I in this dark place?  What about Your Kingdom…and Your King.  Where is He whilst I’m here?  God, where are You?

Such love!  Even if we tried, we couldn’t invent it.  Such love…that God would ask us to lay down our lives.  Such love, that my dying, others might live.  Only You could have thought of that Father.  Yes Lord – have Your way – take my life!

John (the Baptist)


Monday 5 March 2012

If I must be like Jesus...

If following Him is walking in His footsteps, then I too must love my neighbour enough to show and offer him out of this treasure…even though it offend him.  This is Jesus loving His neighbour, the men he played with in the street when they were boys together, their mothers and fathers…though they’re that offended they would be reaching down for stones to throw at Him.

Lord forgive me…I tell myself I am respecting my neighbour by hiding my treasure from him.  Give me Your heart.


Treasures of the Kingdom for You to Share

There are so many little gems of information in this passage but the ones that stick out for me are:

Whether you are searching for the Kingdom of God or not, when you come upon it, you realise what it is and how precious it is. Then you will not stop until you get it. This is a lovely passage for those who know of people who haven't encountered the Kingdom yet. But also a word of warning to myself. If I am living my life but people are not seeing the Kingdom then I need to stop and look at what path I am on and whether I am wheat or a weed.

I also love Jesus words to the disciples. If you are true scribes and disciples of the Kingdom then you will give out treasures to others. This was a promise to the first disciples that echoes down to us. These men/boys were disciples of Jesus, and so the Kingdom. They were students of the Old Testament. When Jesus said this He knew where their lives would go. He knew they were going to build the early church and either write elements of or share stories that would become our New Testament. They didn't!

Who knows what gems we will give to others. But what we do know is this, if we are true disciples of the Kingdom and we study the bible, then we will have security (own our spiritual house) and there will be treasures to share. Just you wait and see.


Saturday 3 March 2012


"But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear."

We have the choice to be weeds or wheat, a plant that feeds others.

The Kingdom of God is designed to grow. It is designed to become the biggest plant in the garden from the smallest seed.

God give me the courage to choose to be a fruitful plant. To provide necessary food to sustain others. Let my little deeds for the Kingdom create beautiful trees that provide necessary shelter for others. Help me to understand it is the little things and gestures that make a big difference.




                               Are you prepared for that glorious day 
                                             When Jesus comes again?
                              We know not the hour, the day or the night,
                                 We don't know the where or the when.

                      Look once again to the life you've made,
                        make sure you've done what he taught;
                    By his death on the cross he forgave or sins
                   And his words were the truth that he brought

                     Will you be ready to reap your reward
                                And then God's heaven gain?
              Will you be ready to live with your Lord
                    When Jesus comes again?

                          " HEAVEN"
          O Lord, one day to see your glory,
      To stand before your throne,
         To know this will be for eternity ,
       When I reach the Father's home.
     And will you say, on that great day,
       As I stand, all sins forgiven,
      Well done, thou good and faithful soul,
        Now welcome into my Heaven.

                                ( from Faith for daily Living     Peggy  Smit)

Friday 2 March 2012

No-one is Greater!

On the face of it this passage looks hard. Why is Jesus ignoring his family? Is it just to make a point? At first you wonder where is His compassion. And yet when we read in Mark that his family, including his mother, were there to take Him away because they thought He was not in his right mind, it begins to make more sense.

Nobody is greater than God. No-one knows better - not even your own mother! It is just another case of the frailty of humanity. It doesn't mean that Mary wasn't a great woman. I mean how many of us would have her faith when as a young woman she was told she would give birth to the Son of God, the Messiah. But she was human. She was misguided. In her love and worry for her son she forgot who He was. Jesus may have made a point: if you want to be part of His family you need to remember who He is, and the authority He has - but it didn't change His love for his mum. Even while dying, being tortured on a cross, in all that pain He wanted to make sure His mother was looked after, cared for, when He left.

As with John, Paul and even ourselves, sometimes we can be misguided, even when we think we are doing right. Jesus doesn't stop loving us but He will put us straight. He is the King and He is in charge.


Spiritual implications

We see through out of the Gospel of Matthew ,Jesus, in the midst of his ministry,continually being interrupted.
Sometimes by his disciples asking questions or by demon possessed people crying out.The Pharisees had ago to they where always apposing his ministry. And now his parents, I can imaging what I would say and do,"what now"
I would shout, can't you see I am speaking. Jesus uses this as a opportunity to teach his Disciples the spiritual truths,
That we as Christian ought to use every circumstance for spiritual reflection, and as a opportunity to bear witness to or Lord Jesus Christ


God's Love Lingering on.

You came and made small talk with me,
You touched a cup, a chair,
you brought a book for me to read,
A merry joke to share,
You did not speak to me of God,
But after you had gone,
Within the firelight where you stood,

I read this in my Muriel's " Faith For Daily Living"booklet and it touch the old Heart string's, that we do not need
to all be Preacher's.But we need to be full of Jesus, His ways, his love, and compassion. So let us ask to be
Baptised in the Holy Spirit. And let Jesus take complete control of our lives' And get right behind or leaders,the
Deacons, or Pastors, Michael and Brain Daily prayers for them and there families.

Dear Heavenly Father through your son Jesus we thank you for the leadership we ask that you fill them with your
wisdom, May your Holy Spirit fall on them and that All of the Heavenly's protect there families, in Jesus name Amen

God bless Kenny

Thursday 1 March 2012

You can t just spring clean you ve got to throw a party

What, I hear you ask, is she on about! Well, I really feel Jesus is saying it is no good just clearing out all the bad things, the dirt, in your life. You've got to fill up your house / soul with Jesus - truth, honesty, humility, goodness, love. If you don't then basically your house will just get more dirty again and probably worse than when it started. Repentance isn't just sweeping out the old, it is also bringing in the new. If you miss that vital step then you are not following Christ and that way lies ruin on so many levels.

This doesn't mean you have to struggle on regardless. Jesus is there to help, not to set us up to fail. Finding it hard, he says? Let me help. My yoke is easy my burden is light.

I believe traditionally if you were a cow/oxen and learning to plough you would have a training yoke. The cow that was learning would be hooked up with another more experienced one that would pull most of the weight and do the hard graft and keep the new one on the right path. I think this is what Jesus means. He says use me - I can be with you every step of the way, I can pull your load, I can do the work and keep you going in the right direction so that we do a useful job. But you still need to be there trying. If there are mistakes, don't worry, I can deal with them and make everything new and good but you've got to let me.

Jesus I ask you to come and live in my house. Fill me up with love for others. Come and work beside me, leading and teaching me, so that I can complete what you want me to do.


The Pharisee in me?

Compassion rules, OK!  I love You Lord.


Knowing the Pharisees sowing rules into the fabric of every day life so that they might not sin against You, knowing that, taking my hat off to their heart for holiness, I know my own heart like theirs so quickly navigates it’s way to spiritual pride.  It’s not my moral posturing that wins souls…it’s my compassion…and my thoughts quickly go to those same sex couples wanting to be married.


We celebrate the truth!  We have it for freedom – not for a stick.


Father, if I’m to follow Jesus, like His disciples here, as a companion, as a priest (wow how privileged), may I see people with Your eyes and love them with Your love though people crucify…and then faithfully, steadfastly speak to them Your truth.



Wednesday 29 February 2012

Mercy not Sacrifice

I desire Mercy not Sacrifice…

When Jesus says these words to us what does that mean.          

Are you like the Pharisees trying to keep religious law and showing

Outwardly how good you are so all the world can see?  

Does our faith and understanding of God’s grace for us impact us

Enough in our hearts to extend that Mercy out to others.  Even to          

Those we may not find deserving in our own mind.

Lord make me aware daily of your Mercy for me, Your grace that I

Am privileged to walk in.  Let me extend that Mercy daily to all that

You put in my path.  Let them see your forgiveness and love through

Me not in big outward demonstrations of grandeur but quiet invitations

Of the heart which has been taught to love because You first loved me.

God Bless



Head lines WHY

Why is it that some sinners repent and others don't. " Why do they" I mean we're all sinners.
Jesus hints that the answer is is in the eternal counsel of the Sovereign Father, even though he invites all to come to Him.
I mean here we see the Pharisee and the Scribes which are the Religious wise men total reject Jesus. All down the
ages we see wise and knowledgeable men reject the Gospel, it is difficult to under- stand yet the scriptures say
Not many wise not Noble.

Never quite what you imagine

I suppose it is true of all of us that when we get something it is not ever quite how you imagined it to be. I really feel Jesus is saying be careful. Don't expect things to be how you want them to be. Sometimes you need to go out of your own comfort zone when God is involved. God is the one in charge not you. So accept that gifts and people of God won't necessarily come how you would like.

God I pray that I don't start saying - I want this or I need that like a petulant child. Teach me to ask for what You want and You need. And if I am unsure remind me to ask You and wait on your answer like John the Baptist rather than just presume like the Pharisees and follow my own path.


Tuesday 28 February 2012

Fitting in!

Of all the people to express doubt in Jesus; John His cousin, John who baptized Him, John who witnessed His Holy Spirit anointing…surely not John?  As for the establishment…and the crowds: He didn’t fit their box either. 

We do try so hard to fit in as Christians.  I do…consciously, unconsciously. 
Jesus never did!  If I’m to follow Him, take the same way He walked, then I never will fit in.  Trying to dance to their flute or mourn to their dirge gives me away…the man-pleaser in me.

Lord, I’m sorry.  Change me.  Give me courage.

Monday 27 February 2012

Living for God

This chapter is so strong and gritty but important. Just as new wine does not mix with old wine skins so Jesus explains that if you are a true follower of His then what you do may not always be accepted. I think this is sometimes hard for us to understand. Why wouldn't goodness, truth and honesty not be met with praise and honour. But I suppose these traits do not mix well with the traits that are wrapped up with thinking about yourself and putting yourself first.

However, I need to be careful to remember the sermon on the mount. To not be hypocritical and make sure if I am being shunned it is for following God.

But mainly I love how this passage finishes. Just like Pastor Brian's sermon on Sunday. No matter, who you are, or what you do, if you do it for God then he is grateful. If you are a prophet, a godly man or even least in rank you are still important to God. Even if you are just doing a menial task (getting some water) for the least in rank, but you do it for God, in his spirit, as a disciple of Jesus, you will be thanked and rewarded by God.

Thank you God for focussing on when I get things right and sending Jesus so that you can look past when I get things wrong.


Persecution with in the family

This chapter 10 verses 34 to 39 Jesus speaks of division,hatred,and tribulation this is what it could be like when
we start following Jesus. We should't pass on too quickly into more interesting verses where the sick are healed
or when Jesus say's where accepted unconditionally by the Father,unless we acknowledge that to follow Jesus will bring many a persecution and tribulation. Family unit is under threat,morals are slipping into decline.Active christian in society
are important,Jesus taught the disciples that the preaching of the Gospel and Mission was going to ,as a consequence,
tear families apart. God chooses to build society let us as Christians encourage leaders to pass laws which will
promote family bonds and try to slow down morel decline.quite

Matthew 10

" Disciples"

From the verb manthano,"to learn"
Disciple is a learner one who follows both the teaching and the teacher. The word is used first of the twelve and
later of Christians generally. We most always be ready to learn more. When I became a tradesmen I could not
wait to go out and do jobs by my self, put into practice what I had been taught.And 44 years later I was still
learning.I think our Christian lives are like being Jesus apprentices. All ways Learning all ways following.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank paster Brain for his teaching,sermons and yes his chastising yesterday
Brain you where full of the Holy Spirit. "Thank you" your teaching is awesome,keep on teaching us keep on pointing
us to Jesus the Kingdom of Heaven. A very Blessed Kenny.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Shoes in Church

Hi Laura, hope you and maybe the church will be blessed by this viewpoint, love Louisa


From: ELIZABETH BALMER [mailto:d8asb@btinternet.com]
Sent: 23 February 2012 22:07
To: alasdair.balmer@btinternet.com
Subject: Fw: Shoes in Church



----- Forwarded Message -----
To: DAWN BALMER <d8asb@btinternet.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 February 2012, 10:33
Subject: Fw: Shoes in Church




Subject: FW: Shoes in Church

This is one of the nicest ones I have read.





I showered and shaved.............. I adjusted my tie. 

I got there and sat.............. In a pew just in time. 

Bowing my head in prayer......... As I closed my eyes.. 

I saw the shoe of the man next to me..... Touching my own. I sighed. 

With plenty of room on either side...... I thought, 'Why must our soles touch?' 

It bothered me, his shoe touching mine... But it didn't bother him much. 

A prayer began : 'Our Father'............. I thought, 'This man with the shoes, has no pride.

They're dusty, worn, and scratched. Even worse, there are holes on the side!' 

'Thank You for blessings,' the prayer went on. 

The shoe man said............... A quiet 'Amen.' 

I tried to focus on the prayer....... But my thoughts were on his shoes again.

Aren't we supposed to look our best. When walking through that door? 

'Well, this certainly isn't it,' I thought, Glancing toward the floor.. 

Then the prayer was ended........... And the songs of praise began. 

The shoe man was certainly loud...... Sounding proud as he sang. 

His voice lifted the rafters........ His hands were raised high. 

The Lord could surely hear. The shoe man's voice from the sky. 

It was time for the offering...... And what I threw in was steep. 

I watched as the shoe man reached.... Into his pockets so deep. 

I saw what was pulled out............ What the shoe man put in. 

Then I heard a soft 'clink' . As when silver hits tin. 

The sermon really bored me............ To tears, and that's no lie.. 

It was the same for the shoe man.... For tears fell from his eyes. 

At the end of the service...... As is the custom here. 

We must greet new visitors, And show them all good cheer. 

But I felt moved somehow.............. And wanted to meet the shoe man. 

So after the closing prayer........ I reached over and shook his hand. 

He was old and his skin was dark..... And his hair was truly a mess. 

But I thanked him for coming......... For being our guest. 

He said, 'My names' Charlie............ I'm glad to meet you, my friend.' 

There were tears in his eyes........ But he had a large, wide grin. 

'Let me explain,' he said........... Wiping tears from his eyes. 

'I've been coming here for months.... And you're the first to say 'Hi.'' 

'I know that my appearance............'Is not like all the rest. 

'But I really do try.................'To always look my best.' 

'I always clean and polish my shoes..'Before my very long walk. 

'But by the time I get here..........'They're dirty and dusty, like chalk.' 

My heart filled with pain.......... And I swallowed to hide my tears. 

As he continued to apologize............ For daring to sit so near 

He said, 'When I get here..............'I know I must look a sight. 

'But I thought if I could touch you..'Then maybe our souls might unite.' 

I was silent for a moment........... Knowing whatever was said 

Would pale in comparison... I spoke from my heart, not my head. 

'Oh, you've touched me,' I said......'And taught me, in part; 

'That the best of any man...............'Is what is found in his heart.' 

The rest, I thought,..................... This shoe man will never know. 

Like just how thankful I really am... That his dirty old shoe touched my soul 

You are special to me and you have made a difference in my life. 
I respect you, and truly cherish you. 

Send this to your friends, 
No matter how often you talk, 
Or how close you are, 
And send it to the person who sent it to you. 
Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them, and tell new friends you never will. 
Remember, everyone needs a friend.. 
Someday you might feel like you have no friends at all. 
Just remember this e-mail and take comfort in knowing that 
Someone out there cares about you.....
And always will.











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